Greenhills 2019 Staff
Our vision

Student Leadership
Greenhills has an engaged and enthusiastic student body, with plenty of opportunities to get involved, from school governance and leadership to clubs, special interest groups, sports, performances and outdoor adventures.
Our Students
Greenhills provides numerous leadership avenues for students. Each year, Grade 5/6 students are elected into leadership positions across the school, including House Captains, Choir Captains, Art Captains, Library, ICT and Sport Captains.
Numerous student-run clubs also operate throughout the school year.
Junior School Council
The Junior School Council is a student group that aims to understand the issues affecting Greenhills students and works together to make a positive contribution to the decision making processes around the school and impact their learning environment.
The Junior School Council has representatives from each year level at Greenhills. The Junior School Council provides an avenue for student voices to be heard, mutli-age collaborations and awareness of local and global issues. The Junior School Council is led by Executives, who are elected from among Grade 5 and 6 students.
The Junior School Council has successfully raised funds for and made many improvements across the school. Keep an eye on the school newsletter for upcoming Junior School Council events!